ARCH 1101 | FALL 2020
iris ma
sasa zivkovic
felix heisel
very smelly hills
An intervention that aims to harness the logic through which scent travels and apply is as a spatial organization. In the same way that scent wafts and curls through a space, users are also wafted through the several scent chambers that comprise the structure, As humans wind further and further down into the intervention, they are met with increasing density of scent, reflecting the topography’s ability to capture scent and filter it down into the valleys where scent begins to pool. These various scent zones step down along the landscape and are situated to flow with the striations of the topography. Surfaces within the chambers are treated with varying extrusions of nose like geometries; extrusions become platforms for inhabitants to traverse or scent dispensers. Through framework, this intervention’s inhabitable space is defined more conceptually. Extrusions and circulation are defined by this underlying logic. Lighting is ingrained into the framework, accentuating the form of the intervention when night falls